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Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Information Technology
- Perth campus
- 5 years full-time
- Tuition fees: $68,997
- ATAR: 90 or above
Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Science
- Perth campus
- 5 years full-time
- Tuition fees: $69,305
- ATAR: 90 or above

Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer Science)
- Gardens Point | Also at 1 other campus
- 3 years full-time
- ATAR: 70 or above
Bachelor of Information Technology in Computer Science - Dubai
- Dubai
- 2 years full-time

Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of Laws
- Online Campus | Also at 1 other campus
- 5 years online/off-campus
- ATAR: 80 or above
Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Computer Science
- Hawthorn
- 5 years full-time
- Tuition fees: $65,765
- ATAR: 80 or above

Bachelor of Information Technology / Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
- Gardens Point
- 5.5 years full-time
- ATAR: 85 or above

Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Information Technology
- Gardens Point
- 4 years full-time
- ATAR: 70 or above
Bachelor of Computer Science / Bachelor of Laws
- UOW Liverpool | Also at 1 other campus
- 6 years full-time
- ATAR: 90 or above
Bachelor of Science in Psychology/ Bachelor of Laws
- UC College, Bruce
- 5 years full-time
- ATAR: 85 or above