Refine results


Train Drivers

Train Drivers drive trains to transport passengers and freight on railways.

Train and Tram Drivers

Train and Tram Drivers drive trains and trams to transport passengers and freight on rail networks.

Tram Drivers

Tram Drivers drive trams to transport passengers on urban light rail networks.

Passenger Coach Drivers

Passenger Coach Drivers drive coaches to transport passengers long distances on scheduled intercity services over established routes.

Bus and Coach Drivers

Bus and Coach Drivers drive buses and coaches to transport passengers over established and special routes.

Truck Drivers (General)

Truck Drivers (General) drive heavy trucks requiring a specially endorsed class of licence, to transport bulky goods.

Truck Drivers

Truck Drivers drive heavy trucks, removal vans, tankers and tow trucks to transport bulky goods and liquids.

Automobile Drivers

Automobile Drivers drive motor cars to transport passengers to destinations.

Bus Drivers

Bus Drivers drive busses to transport passengers short distances on scheduled intra-city services over established routes.

Train Controllers

Train Controllers oversee the safe movement of trains using computerised train control signalling systems.