How to become a Life Scientist

Life scientists examine the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of humans, animals, plants and other living organisms to better understand how living organisms function and interact with each other and the environment.

Personal requirements for a Life Scientist

  • Enjoy and have aptitude for science and research
  • Able to think logically and analytically
  • Able to carry out detailed and accurate work
  • Good communication skills
  • Flexible
  • Able to work as part of a team.

Duties & Tasks of a Life Scientist

A life scientist may perform the following tasks:

  • Study the genetic, chemical, physical and structural composition of cells, tissues and organisms
  • Identify cellular and developmental events that ensure continuity of life
  • Determine the influence of internal and external environments on processes in animals (including humans), plants and other organisms
  • Study organisms in controlled environments to gain an understanding of their survival and growth in real environments
  • Examine the way mixed communities and ecosystems function in relation to their environment and the different organisms found in them
  • Predict the way humans and other influences will affect the structure and interactions in natural ecosystems
  • Apply their knowledge and findings from research to maximise the long-term economic, social, environmental and recreational return from living resources
  • Write scientific reports on research, investigations and more general information for scientific, managerial, political and general audiences
  • Provide advice to managers, politicians, primary producers, health care workers and the general public.


Biological Scientist

A biological scientist studies the structure, function, behaviour and interactions of living organisms to increase scientific knowledge and develop practical applications in fields such as agriculture, fisheries, biotechnology, medicine and the environment.

Marine Scientist

A marine scientist uses principles and techniques of natural sciences, mathematics and engineering to study the coastal zone and oceans: their movements, physical properties and biological organisms. Marine scientists assist in developing practical methods for weather forecasting, environmental assessment, locating and developing fishing and mining resources, and improving national defence. They may develop new technologies to protect the seas from pollution and the coasts from damage by waves and tides. Marine scientists make use of special instruments, satellites, cameras, sounding devices and research vessels when undertaking ocean exploration work. They may also make underwater dives.

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