Australian Capital Territory

The AustralianCapital Territory has much to offer students, with a great lifestyle and arange of education providers covering all fields of study.

Living in the ACT

Interstate studentsshould feel at home amongst the city's diverse and largely imported population.Like its politicians and public servants, a significant proportion of Canberra's student body hails from outside the ACT.

Canberra is a friendly, liveable city within easy reach of the mountains, thecoast and the bustling metropolis of Sydney. As the seat of government and hometo Australia’s public service, it boasts the sophistication and culturalvariety of bigger cities, but with a more relaxed pace. As you would expectfrom the nation’s capital, Canberra is full of museums, monuments andmemorials, including Parliament House, the War Memorial, Questacon and theNational Gallery of Australia.

For those seekingless intellectual pursuits, there are numerous sporting and leisure activities.Locals are passionate rugby fans and turn out in droves to support their teams,the Canberra Raiders and ACT Brumbies. Amateur sporting clubs of all kinds runweekend competitions, and the peaceful surrounds of Lake Burley Griffin arepopular spots for students to enjoy some time out from study. While thenightlife may not be quite as lively as in Sydney or Melbourne, there areplenty of bars, nightclubs and live music venues. Annual events such as theNational Folk Festival, Floriade, Groovin’ the Moo and the Summernats car showdraw visitors from around Australia. For shopping on a student budget, try thecity’s produce markets or factory outlets in nearby Fyshwick, where you canfind everything from gourmet food to clothes and homewares.


The median weekly rental price for a house in the Australian Capital Territory is $470, while the average rental price for a unit sits at $395

The median weeklyrental price for a house in Canberra is $470, while the averagerental price for a unit sits at $395.

The student rental market is very competitive. Visit your institution’s housing service forreferrals or advice.

Note: Figures presented here are intended as a guide only. Prices varywithin and between suburbs. Source:, May 2017.

Canberra has a goodbus network with weekday, evening and weekend services. The MyWay ticketingsystem enables ticket holders to “tag on and off” as they travel usingrechargeable pre-paid cards. MyWay tertiary student cards entitle students totravel at a discounted rate per trip. For more information, refer to the ACTGovernment’s Transport for Canberra website.Extensive bike paths make cycling to uni another option for many students.


The ACT has fourdistinctive seasons, with temperatures ranging from an average daily maximum of9°C in July to 26°C in January.

Learn more about:

Universities and TAFEs in Canberra