How do you know which course is right for you?

By Helen Green
With at least one in four first year students changing courses or leaving university, it pays to spend time comparing courses carefully.
The following are just few points that might be helpful when selecting the right course for you.
Skills and careers of the future
The Foundation for Young Australian’s New Work Order report reminds us that young people today can expect to have at least five careers. Some of you will be working in careers not invented yet.
It is perfectly fine, arguably advantageous, to have multiple interests. You do not need to know what you want to do with your life at 18 — this is important.
With the increasing popularity of double degrees and professional graduate degrees, you will have plenty of opportunities to develop your interests and skills whilst studying and/or working and volunteering.
- problem solving
- teamwork and communication skills
- creative thinking
- data analysis
- a curious mindset
- adaptability
- resilience.
Many students ask me if they should choose courses linked to occupations or sectors earmarked for future growth, especially if these courses are also likely to benefit from changes to fee subsidies recently announced by the Australian Government.
I say yes, but only if these occupational sectors genuinely interest you and are suited to your strengths as this is a sensible, informed move. Avoid choosing a career path you are not interested in because you think you should, or it is prestigious – even if your ATAR allows this.
Rarely is the outcome positive.
The higher the ATAR, the better the course?
Don’t assume so. A course is only ‘better’ if it is better fit for you. ATAR entry criteria is largely based on supply and demand as opposed to difficulty, with a few notable exceptions. The ATAR for some courses, especially new ones, can vary considerably over a couple of years and indeed between campuses of the same university.
Choose a course that feels right for you and will enable you to get the outcome you are seeking and/or provide you with pathway options. Keep in mind some excellent courses have a range of entry criteria and some universities are placing less emphasis on a student’s ATAR, especially this year.
Avoid choosing a course to please others or for the prestige
I have witnessed many students enrolling in courses either to please others (usually parents) because they feel pressured, or because they achieved a high ATAR enabling them entry to a highly sought after course.
Think carefully as such decisions can have significant ramifications for years to come. Examine your motivations carefully and be true to yourself.
Also, do not feel you must select the highest ranked university course in your field of interest if you have good reasons to prefer another institution. I am increasingly hearing students say they have been advised by their school to preference one or two Melbourne-based universities, regardless of their occupational or course interest.
Not all universities offer courses in all disciplines – there are multiple factors students should keep in mind when assessing courses, and many students won’t attain the ATAR required for entry into some universities. Examine your preference list carefully.
Do the courses on your list serve your current interests, values, preferred learning style and aspirations?
Things to consider when choosing a TAFE or uni
What are the typical career outcomes for the program(s)?
Is graduate employment data available for the course?
Is demand for the occupation likely to be steady and/or increase or decline?
Where are the likely future opportunities?
It is important to feel comfortable on campus, not just in your course. How did you feel when you visited the campus (if this was possible)? Also consider course delivery. Where possible, face to face teaching is preferable and increases your overall feeling of engagement on campus though as 2020 has shown us, the ability to adapt to online learning is important.
Consider how you liked to learn and study at school. Some students thrive in a large city campus, whilst others would be happier on a smaller campus where they feel less anonymous. In my experience, students who embrace university life and get involved are the happiest.
- support services available including counselling
- careers advice, clubs and campus activities
- sport and recreation facilities.
List multiple course preferences
Be sure to list several preferences, even if you feel quite certain you will get into your preferred course. This might seem obvious, though I have come across many students who have unnecessarily limited themselves to one or two course options and received no offers.
Do I need to change my career plans if I don’t get into my preferred course?
Do not let an unexpected ATAR change your plans. There are often multiple pathways to your desired outcome. As most students are aware, tertiary institutions typically offer designated and well-published ‘pathways’ into most undergraduate degrees. This might include foundation programs, diplomas, associate degrees, certificates and so on.
You may receive a second round or supplementary offer or receive a subject bonus. Why not compare similar courses at other universities, even interstate. Is attending a regional campus an option? The same course at the same university will often have a significantly lower ATAR at a regional campus.
- university course coordinators or careers staff
- your school careers adviser
- current students or graduates of the course
- people working in the occupation you are interested in
- parents and friends.
Helen is a qualified careers coach, writer and professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia. She has over two decades’ experience working in senior education and career program management roles, particularly within the tertiary sector where she has assisted many students. She now runs Career Confident.
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