The pros and cons of postgraduate study

Graduating from university opens up a whole range ofdifferent options, from entering the full-time workforce to volunteering andtravelling overseas. However, further study is also an option, and the mostcomprehensive example is a postgraduate qualification.
While it might seem strange to jump straight back into theclassroom, there is plenty of incentive for your career in the future. To helpyou decide if this is the right move for you, we’ve weighed up the pros andcons of pursuing a postgraduate degree.
Boost employability
There is little doubt that having a postgraduate degree nextto your name will look good on your CV. The additional qualification will serveyou well, whether you’re applying for a graduate position or trying to get apromotion, it is a great way to distinguish yourself from fellow jobseekers.
Improve your skillset
You will more than likely acquire a unique set of skills byundertaking postgraduate study, as you will be surrounded by likemindedstudents and will be exposed to more complex course content. This will help inthe long run when you are presented with a situation where you may be betterequipped than a colleague with a bachelor degree only.
Enhance knowledge
It goes without saying that you will learn a great dealduring a postgraduate degree and this will be very valuable in years to come,especially when you can add something more insightful to a conversation thatsomeone without a post grad qualification would be able to raise.
Broaden potential career paths
Further study can equal versatility in the workforce, asthere are some roles that require or at least prefer a candidate with apostgraduate qualification. This level of education also makes it easier totransition into a different industry, provided you possess relevant skills andexperience.
Financial strain
Postgraduate degrees aren’t exactly cheap, which means youwill be taking a hit on the financial front while you are studying and beyond.This lack of monetary gain will also be enhanced by the fact you cannot work full time.
Greater commitment
Just because you have completed your initial degree, itdoesn’t mean things are about to get easier. The workload will increasecompared to your bachelor, and you will be expected to produce better qualityresults while dealing with more complex content than ever before.
Less downtime
Additional study costs time as well as money. You will bespending plenty of time in class, in the library and studying at home, so it’shardly surprising that you will have limited hours for socialising and time toyourself.
Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a common phrase these daysand it directly applies to postgraduate students, who will have to deal withthe fact that many of their peers from their bachelor degrees will now bemaking money working full-time or travelling the world.