How to ace the uni semester from week 1
1. Get organised
Taking the time to get organised will set you up well and help you achieve your learning goals.
Top study tips:
Invest in a diary, and use it to keep track of current assignment deadlines.
Bring all the material and devices you need to class, so you can participate. You may find it helpful to pack your bag the night before, so you’re ready to go first thing in the morning.
2. Don't skip class
Skipping class can be detrimental to your learning and achieving your study goals. It leaves gaping holes in your notes – and in your subject knowledge.
It can be hard to catch up when you miss classes at uni, whether its because they’ve formed groups for groupwork or they’re doing essential practical work.
Remember to practise active listening by focusing on what your teachers are saying in class and taking notes as needed.
3. Take notes
Notes can help store information in your long-term memory, right there in class. These notes will be important for reviewing when you’re completing assessments and assignments.
You might find it handy to condense your notes after class, so they’re clear and easy to read.
If you do miss a class, ask a study buddy or classmate if you can refer to their notes. This will ensure there are no holes in your own notetaking.
4. Talk to your teachers and ask questions
Your teacher is, in a way, a resource who is there to be used!
Teachers can further clarify any topics you find confusing. You may even be able to get a little direction on assignments before submitting.
Your teacher will no doubt be impressed with your initiative and happy to help.
5. Space out your studying
One of the most effective ways of studying is to space out your learning sessions.
If you break up your study load over several days, you’ll retain information far more readily than if you crammed in one long session.
This can help deeply ingrain information, allowing you to retain it for the long term.
You’ll find you achieve much better results for it.