Things to do in Western Australia this long weekend

It’s Labour Day in Western Australia on Monday, which is theperfect excuse get out and about and make the most of the long weekend. Whetheryou’re into beer, wine, art or music, this list of events will keep you busy.
Nannup Music Festival – Friday 2 March
Kicking off on Friday and carrying on until most people arereturning to work on the Tuesday, the 29th Nannup Music Festivalwill feature more than 100 artists, an art walk, various workshops and abusking competition. Punters can either purchase a camping weekend ($190 foradults, $85 for youth and free for children) or a day ticket ($100, $45 andfree).
South West Craft Beer Festival – Saturday 3 March
This is the perfect way for beer lovers to spend anafternoon over the long weekend. Running from 11am to 6pm, the South West CraftBeer Festival is hosted at 3 Oceans Winery in Margaret River with over 100beers from dozens of local brewers. A $35 ticket will net you a beer glass andfour tasting tokens.
Collie Art Prize – Saturday 3 March
The Collie Art Gallery will host the first of their biennialevents that will see the largest single art prize in regional Australia, with firstplace taking home $50,000 cash, plus a $1,000 People Choice award. The CollieArt Prize will exhibit finalists’ works seven days a week, 10am to 4pm, untilApril 15, with general admission from no more than $5.
Porongurup Wine Festival – Sunday 4 March
Ten of the region’s most distinctive labels will beshowcased at the Ponongurup Wine Festival, with a range of different eventstaking place between 4 March and 25 March. Among the main features are ‘One WokWonder’ cooking challenge and the ‘Great Grape Stomp’ competition.
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