The top five study apps for university students

The top five study apps for university students

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If you own a smartphone then you are probably already aware of the huge range of apps available, not to mention their time-saving and life-changing possibilities (news apps, weather apps, Facebook, Skype, Twitter and mobile banking just to name a few). But have you ever thought about how the apps on your phone can optimise your life as a student?

Apps contain so many student-friendly functions — from information storage to information retrieval — and make these available to you at the touch of a button, whenever you have your phone with you (which is all the time, we’re guessing!). Read on to discover some of the best apps that will help you as a student.

The top five study apps:

  1. iStudiez Pro (iPhone — $2.99): If you need a little help organising all your classes and assignments (and, let’s face it, who doesn’t?), iStudiez is for you. This handy tool allows you to create a schedule by entering all your class details (including extras such as tutor office hours, staff contact details and holiday periods), keep track of your assignments and set alarms for upcoming classes and assignment due dates. Best of all? All your information is summarised in a nifty daily schedule. CoursePro is available for Android phones.
  2. Flashcards with Mental Case (iPhone — $5.49): Upcoming exams? You’ll always be prepared with the Mental Case app, which allows you to create your own flashcards for your phone. You can even record audio and add images from your photo library. Whether you’re waiting for the train or have some down time between classes, your flashcards will always be with you, allowing you to study anytime, anywhere. You can even transfer them to your computer or laptop for use at home. StudyDroid is available for Android phones.
  3. Instapaper (iPhone — $4.49): Allows you to save web pages for offline viewing at a later time. This is really great for viewing uni notes that you have downloaded from the net because it allows you to save them in a text-only format and view later without having to return to the webpage online (a great option when you consider how difficult it can be to connect to a wi-fi network at times). Instafetch and Everpaper are available for Android phones.
  4. Evernote (iPhone and Android — free): Ever wanted to note something down and not had access to a paper and pen? Your phone probably already has an inbuilt note-taking function, but Evernote provides so much more. You can attach images and audio to your notes, add your location and search through your notes for keywords at the click of a button (including text that appears in images). This means you can take photos of class handouts, search for keywords in the handout image, write your own summaries, carry your notes on your phone for viewing at any time and sync them with your computer — the possibilities are endless.
  5. (iPhone and Android — free): The original study tool is now available at your fingertips for free. The ‘word of the day’ that appears when you open the app is a handy extra touch.

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