University of Melbourne Rankings

The ranking below for University of Melbourne is from the 2018 edition of The Good Universities Guide. Please visit University of Melbourne Rankings 2019 to view their latest ratings.

Analysis published in the 2018 edition of The Good Universities Guide indicates that Melbourne University students have higher entrance scores than students at any other university. 60 per cent of Melbourne students commenced with entrance scores in the top two deciles, meaning more than half of domestic school leavers who commenced at Melbourne enrolled with scores of 93 or above.

Competition for places at Melbourne is fierce and student experience in the communications field of study is excellent. Communications students rate Learner Engagement and Skills Development higher than students from any other university — 91.9 per cent and 95.8 per cent respectively reported satisfaction with these measures.

Five-star field of study highlights

The University of Melbourne's strongest field of study is communications, where they achieved five-star results in Overall Experience, Learner Engagement, Skills Development and Teaching Quality. Melbourne achieved five stars across multiple fields in the measures of Full-Time Employment, Learner Engagement and Skills Development.

Take a look at these and other Melbourne courses by visiting their profile page.

Find out more about how Melbourne's ratings compare to other universities, or head to the Good Education Group Bookshop to purchase a copy of the print guide. The full guide is also available as an e-book, plus a series of downloadable eGuides.

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