How your degree can help you change your world

How your degree can help you change your world

Brought to you by Avondale University.

Choosing a degree that is right for you can be an overwhelming decision. Everyone’s path to university and beyond looks different. At Avondale University, we believe in equipping our students to serve their world for good. Whether on a local or global level, no act of service is too small.

We believe your unique interests and ambitions can help you change your world. All these things can be personalised into your degree. Our courses are distinctive because of the quality of teaching and student experience, including opportunities to learn on the job. This combination of practice with knowledge delivers work-ready graduates who are equipped to make change.

Turn your passions into a career

Unsure of what to study? Think about your passions and structure your degree around them. Our Bachelor of Arts (BA) program allows you to do just that, while also exploring and challenging your view of the world, society, and self. At Avondale Uni, you won’t just learn; you’ll be equipped to use your knowledge to contribute positively to the world. Our BA program is designed to help you discover your passions and turn them into a meaningful career that serves others.

Make a difference in healthcare

If your calling is to help others through healthcare, Avondale’s nursing program is the perfect fit. Recognised as the number one Nursing degree in Australia, you will be immersed in real-world experiences. Our Nursing program focuses on high quality holistic care, equipping you with the skills to improve lives. With 800 hours of clinical placement, you will learn on the job alongside experts in the field across a diverse range of healthcare services. At Avondale Uni, you’ll be equipped to make a positive impact on those in your care.

Avondale nursing students

Double degree: double the opportunity, double the skills

Why settle for one when you can have two? You have probably heard of a dual or double degree if you have looked at going to uni. A double degree means you study two undergraduate degrees at once, preparing you with a broader skill set and more opportunities to contribute to the world in positive ways.

Step into one of our Teaching degrees and shape the minds of the future generations in the classroom. Our Teaching degrees are designed as a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Teaching (Primary or Secondary) or Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Teaching; a combination that allows you to study your passions and apply that knowledge in the classroom. Avondale Uni graduates are highly valued for being reflective, creative, and confident in the classroom.

“My experience at Avondale Uni grew my confidence and gave me a variety of opportunities to put content learnt in classes to practice”, says Emilie Jackson, a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) graduate. “I choose to study teaching because of the numerous teachers that encouraged and supported me throughout not only my schooling journey but also my life. I hope to have the same positive impact on the life of my students”.

Australia’s most employable graduates

You won’t just walk away with a degree—you’ll enter the workforce as one of Australia’s most employable graduates. Our graduates are highly sought after and rank us number one in Australia for overall full-time employment. Employers know they’re getting more than just a qualified candidate; they’re getting someone who is prepared to lead, innovate, and serve. With the skills, experience, and values you’ll gain at Avondale Uni, you’ll be ready to step into your career and make a real difference.

For a greater vision

Service is at the heart of who we are. We’ve been preparing students to make change in their world since 1897. No matter the career you choose, we believe in your ability to have a lasting positive impact; for a greater vision of world needs.

Learn more on the Avondale University website

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