The advantages of graduate programs

If you’re nearing the end of your degree or want to start exploring your options for the future, graduate programs are certainly worth looking into. They are usually one to two years in length and are offered by a range of companies, as well as certain government departments. They allow graduates to launch their career through a structured introduction to the workplace.
Unsure if a graduate program is your next step? Here are the facts.
1. Graduate programs are widely available
If you’re worried about finding a graduate program, rest assured that there’s a good range out there. Grad programs are available in all sorts of organisations, including firms such as Ernst & Young and Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) — with the latter also offering early entry programs for current students; federal and state government departments; banks and other financial services organisations; and telecommunications companies such as Telstra and Optus.
2. Graduate programs are very competitive
Graduate programs give you a great headstart in your career, but this means that they attract large numbers of applicants. You will usually need to meet a minimum grade-point average (GPA) requirement, attend an interview and supply references. Due to high competition, you will typically go through a shortlisting process — sometimes several stages long — before being offered an interview. Applications are typically taken online, but it’s best to check requirements with individual organisations.
3. Graduate programs offer ‘streams’
If you think graduate programs are only offered in certain disciplines or industries, think again! There are opportunities for graduates of all areas, from arts to design to science. Don’t assume that you’ll just need to look within your specific industry either — no matter what your skill set, there’s likely to be a use for it in any number of organisations.
4. You’ll rotate through departments
Not quite sure where you’re headed? The great thing about graduate programs is that you generally get the chance to sample a bit of everything until you find your niche. For example, if you’ve come out of a business degree, you might explore finance, human resources, marketing or event management. You can chat to your supervisor about your specific interests when you start.
5. They offer plenty of support
When you start a grad program, the employer knows what they’re getting: a fresh graduate who’s done the hard yards and is ready to learn. Employers offer comprehensive orientation programs and great support to give grads a smooth transition into working life.In many workplaces, you will be assigned a buddy or mentor who can offer career guidance and provide advice about your day-to-day responsibilities.
Check with individual organisations for application dates. Applications are usually taken early in the year.