Master of Engineering Science

UNSW Sydney

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00098G

The Master of Engineering Science program is designed for engineers and graduates wishing to develop and expand their knowledge and skills in their current area of expertise. Students will have the chance to work on a complex, open-ended enquiry-based project. This will develop their systematic approach to a problem and require project planning and the ability to analyse, interpret and communicate results proficiently.

Designed for

This Masters is especially for professionals seeking to develop or enhance their careers through cross-training, re-training and specialisation - including a research component


Students must complete 96 UOC of courses to be eligible for the degree, and must complete: At least 18UOC of enquiry-based courses At least a further 30UOC of advanced disciplinary courses At least 6UOC of Engineering and Technical Management Courses.


  • Biomedical engineering
  • Chemical process
  • Civil engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Energy systems engineering
  • Environmental engineering
  • Food process and technology
  • Geospatial engineering
  • Geotechnical and geology
  • Manufacturing and management
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Nuclear engineering
  • Petroleum engineering
  • Petroleum engineering open learning
  • Photovoltaics and solar energy
  • Project management
  • Renewable energy
  • Satellite systems
  • Structural engineering
  • Sustainable system engineering
  • Systems and control
  • Telecommunications engineering
  • Transportation
  • Water engineering: catchments to coasts
  • Water, wastewater and waste

Standard entry requirements

Students need a recognised four year Bachelor degree in an appropriate area of engineering with a minimum 65% average as determined by the Postgraduate Entry Score Calculator.

Study pathways

The courses in each specialisation form an articulated sequence. Students who complete the Graduate Diploma program may upgrade to the next program with full credit for the courses undertaken, provided they have completed the previous program at UNSW. A credit average (65) is generally required to articulate to the next level in the sequence.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Kensington International: $121,000 No
  • Flexible Delivery : 1 year

Further information

Students who have enrolled in a program will be permitted to exit with a lower qualification in the specialisation sequence providing they have completed the requirements of that program. Subject to the approval of the program authority and available places, students will be permitted to transfer to another specialisation with credit transfer being subject to the requirements of the specialisation into which the student is transferring.

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