Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences

University of Wollongong

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00102E

Medical and health science provides insight into the structure and function of the human body at all levels of organisation. This knowledge can be used directly to work alongside other health professionals within the medical research and clinical health fields in both private industry and hospital settings and a variety of careers. It is the medical and health professionals in their various roles that are involved in the development of therapies, application of diagnostic methods and treatments associated with health and disease. A flexible, yet rigorous degree, the Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences is designed specifically for students who wish to study the scientific basis of human structure, function, and health. We can help you build the degree thats right for you by providing career advice and guiding you through your study options to ensure you reach your career goals. The first year covers the core sciences, while in second year you choose electives from a wide selection of subjects such as pathophysiology, exercise and cardio-respiratory physiology, genetics, molecular biology, immunology, Indigenous studies, public health, and all specialised areas within chemistry, with potential to also create minors in many of these and other areas to follow your passions.


144 Credit Points


  • Medical and health sciences

Standard entry requirements

  • Domestic: Recent secondary education students can gain admission to this course via non-ATAR or ATAR-based options.
  • International: Applicants need to have achieved the required score in a qualification equivalent to the completion of 13 years of schooling in Australia.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Wollongong International: $104,688
  • ATAR: 75
  • Full-time : 3 years

Fee comments

Campuses: Wollongong.

Also available for Domestic. Please Contact University of Wollongong Australia for more information about tuition fees

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