Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00244B

This program is aimed at students that have completed a three-year university degree. Offering a variety of specialisations, the flexible degree enables students to gain the skills to contribute at a higher level in their profession. Utilising cutting-edge online teaching technologies and communication methods, the degree is accessible to those living anywhere in Australia or overseas.

Designed for

Graduates in programs other than mathematics who wish to upgrade skills and qualifications


8 units: 8 specialisation courses


  • Agricultural Science
  • Applied Climate Science
  • Applied Data Science
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • General
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Sport and Exercise.

Standard entry requirements

Completion of an Australian university three year Bachelor degree in any areaor equivalent or equivalent professional work experience, as deemed appropriate upon application.

Study pathways

To: Master of Science

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Ipswich Domestic: $33,680
International: $38,720
  • Full-time : 1 year
Online Domestic: $33,680
International: $38,720
  • Online/Off-campus : 1 year
Toowoomba Domestic: $33,680
International: $38,720
  • Full-time : 1 year

Further information

All specialisations are available to external students, although some courses may also be available on-campus. Therefore, these specialisations may not be suitable for international students who wish to study on-campus. The Agricultural Science Specialisation, Applied Climate Science Specialisation and Environment and Sustainability Specialisation are not available to International on-campus students as the core courses are only available in external or online mode. The Mathematics and Statistics specialisation is only available to International on-campus students who can meet pre-requisite requirements (or equivalent) for STA2300 or MAT1102 or CSC1402. Other entry requirements also apply for articulation into the Master of Science (Research). Semester 1 intakes for Applied Data Science specialisation are only available to students who have completed CSC1401 and STA2300 in their Bachelor degrees. The Sport and Exercise specialisation is the only specialisation available on-campus at Ipswich. The Sport and Exercise specialisation is also available on-campus in Toowoomba and via the External mode.

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