SA Water Undergraduate Scholarship in Civil Engineering and Placement for Women

University of South Australia

The scholarships are open to second and third year female students enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) or associated double degree programs.


Applicants must: be second or third year female students enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) or associated specialisation program; be Australian citizens or permanent residents; have an idea of their future in their preferred discipline and how the scholarship will be of benefit to them in achieving this; and have an interest in the SA Water Graduate Program, be willing to attend functions at SA Water and have the ability to be a positive ambassador for SA Water. Selection is based on a personal written statement, academic merit and interview performance. To remain eligible for the scholarship recipients must complete a minimum of 36 units per year for the life of the scholarship and maintain a credit average (GPA 5).

Further details

Whilst they hold the scholarship, recipients will be offered paid employment over the summer vacation period for which they will be paid up to $5,000 (based on hours worked). Recipients will be offered this opportunity for each year of their scholarship.

Amount $5,000

The scholarships are valued at up to $30,000 in total, comprising 2 payments of $2,500 per year and up to $5,000 paid employment each year.

Frequency Annual
Duration years
Student type Australian
Gender Female
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Undergraduate / VET
Field of studys Engineering and technology
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