SA Water Ada Scholarship in Information and Communications Technology and Placement

University of South Australia

The scholarship and placement will be awarded to female students studying full-time in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of an undergraduate Bachelor degree program within the School of Computer and Information Science.


Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be female; provide a personal written statement addressing their career goals in the field of information and communications technology and how the scholarship will be of benefit to them in achieving their goals; have an interest in the SA Water Graduate Program; be willing to attend functions at SA Water; and have the ability to be a positive ambassador for SA Water. Selection is based on a personal written statement, academic merit and an interview. To remain eligible for the scholarship recipients must complete a minimum of 36 units per year for the life of the scholarship and maintain a credit average (GPA 5).

Further details

Recipients will be offered paid employment over the summer vacation period for which they will be paid based on hours worked. Should they wish, recipients will have this opportunity for each year of the scholarship.

Amount $2,500

The scholarship is valued at up to $20,000 in total equating to $2,500 per year for up to 4 years (paid in 2 instalments of $1,250 after the Study Period 2 and Study Period 5 census dates) and up to $2,500 paid employment each year.

Number per year 4
Frequency Annual
Duration years
Student type Australian
Gender Female
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Undergraduate / VET
Field of studys Computing and information technology
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