Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment High Achiever School Leaver Scholarships

University of South Australia

The scholarship was established to support high achieving students enrolling in an undergraduate degree in the Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment at Mawson Lakes Campus.


Applicants must: be Australian citizens or permanent residents; be school leavers with an ATAR score of 97 or above; be enrolled full-time in one of the following undergraduate degrees: Bachelor of Engineering (all specialisations); Bachelor of Information Technology (all specialisations); Bachelor of Software Engineering; Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences; Bachelor of Sustainable Environments (all specialisations); Bachelor of Science; or Bachelor of Aviation at Mawson Lakes Campus. Selection is based of financial hardship.

Further details

No separate application is required. Recipients will be selected based on their ATAR.

Amount $5,000

The scholarship is valued at $5,000 for 1 year.

Frequency Annual
Duration year
Student type Australian
Gender Co-Ed
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Undergraduate / VET
Field of studys Computing and information technology
Engineering and technology
Environmental studies
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