Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum) with majors

University of Adelaide

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00123M

Want to face new challenges every day? Petroleum engineering is one of the highest paid engineering fields internationally, with exciting opportunities for qualified graduates. Petroleum engineers help sustain societys way of life by ensuring we can meet our energy demands. They provide oil and gas in efficient, safe, and environmentally responsible ways. This degree allows students to undertake a major as part of their study in a five-year program.


The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum) with Major builds a strong foundation of mathematics, physics, geology, geophysics, computer applications and engineering principles. Over the course of the program, the subjects studied change from more general engineering topics to very specific petroleum and the relevant major topics. There is also a focus on management and business-related aspects. This integrated structure makes the petroleum and relevant engineering major teaching curriculum unique. In the fifth year, students expand their technical petroleum engineering knowledge and develop business skills such as economic evaluation and project management, and undertake a final year petroleum engineering project. This degree allows students to undertake a major as part of their study in a five-year program. A major is a great way to specialise and pursue topics of interest without narrowing future career options. All graduates of this degree irrespective of their major qualify as petroleum engineers, and can pursue a career in any specialist field within the profession. Majors are available in Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering. Students are required to complete eight weeks of approved practical experience.


  • Chemical engineering, Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering or Mining engineering

Standard entry requirements

  • Recent Secondary Education: Applicants with recent secondary education are those whose admission is primarily based on the completion of Year 12 within the last two years, however if you completed your secondary education more than two years ago, you may still be able to be considered on the basis of your secondary schooling. You must not have completed more than 2 years full time equivalent university study (48 units). You compete for a place with your Selection Rank (ATAR plus any applicable adjustment factors). Applicants who have not achieved a competitive Selection Rank (ATAR plus any applicable adjustment factors) required for selection may be selected based on the grades in selected year 12 subjects. Applicants do not need to apply to be considered for subject-based entry, as this will automatically be done.
  • Higher Education Study: You must have completed at least six months full time equivalent higher education study (the number of courses and units will vary depending on your prior institution however at the University of Adelaide, this equates to 4 courses / 12 units). A Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated for each separate program you have undertaken (apart from some double degree programs where the GPA is combined). You compete on the basis of your best GPA. Indigenous applicants may be eligible for entry through the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Access Pathway.
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) study: You must have completed an AQF Certificate IV or above from a Registered Training Organisation. Your application will be ranked according to the level of the award.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
North Terrace International: $255,000
  • ATAR: 80
  • Full-time : 5 years

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