Doctor of Philosophy
The University of Western Australia (UWA)
Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00126G
The PhD comprises an independent, supervised research project mutually agreed upon by a student, supervisor, head of school and the Board of the Graduate Research School. It may be undertaken in any school in the University. The PhD requires the development and implementation of a rigorous research plan, based on a comprehensive understanding of the relevant literature and the need for answers to questions posed in that literature or as the result of a new theory. The thesis demonstrates a students ability to document and interpret results, formulate theories and discuss the results in light of the current literature to a high level of competence. Each students PhD experience is different because each student undertakes a unique course tailored to their interests and needs. All students undertake research that is assessed in the form of a thesis. Students may also undertake taught courses, industry placements and other developmental activities. Many students choose to spend part of their candidature undertaking research interstate or overseas.
Credit Points 192
Standard entry requirements
- To be accepted an applicant must demonstrate that they have sufficient background and experience in independent supervised research to successfully complete a PhD. The normal requirement is for a bachelors degree with at least upper second class honours in an appropriate discipline. However, applications are also considered from
- Graduates of this University (or equivalent) who can satisfy the Board that they have had adequate research preparation since graduation
- Applicants who have previously undertaken work, which in the Boards opinion is of a sufficiently high standard, towards a research higher degree in this or another approved institution but have not submitted it for any degree and have had their research proposals approved by the Board and
- Applicants who have satisfactorily completed an acceptable preliminary program at this University or an approved institution and have had a research proposal approved by the Board.
Study information
Campus | Fees | Entry | Mid year intake | Attendance |
Albany Centre | No |
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Crawley | No |
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Kalgoorlie | No |
Fee comments
Campuses: Crawley.
Please Contact University of Western Australia for more information about tuition fees