Ailsa Munro Physiotherapy Student Scholarship

The University of Queensland

The scholarship was established in 2011 and is maintained by the income of a bequest from Ailsa Munro, a greatly respected, retired physiotherapist, who graduated with the first cohort of students from the physiotherapy program at The University of Queensland in 1941.


Applicants must have completed at least the first two years of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy or the first year of the Master of Physiotherapy Studies; and provide documentary evidence of financial need.

Amount $6,000

The scholarship is valued at $6,000 for 1 year.

Closing date 3 March
Number per year 4
Frequency Annual
Duration year
Student type Australian and New Zealand
Gender Co-Ed
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Undergraduate / VET
Field of studys Rehabilitation
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