A.E. Brooks Travelling Scholarship in Architecture

The University of Queensland

The purpose of the Scholarship is to enable Master of Architecture students to obtain special experience in an Overseas Study Program during their Master of Architecture program at The University of Queensland, so that the development of architecture in Queensland may benefit by the knowledge and experience gained by them.


The Scholarship is open to students who - (a) submit an application for the Scholarship to the Head of School, by the closing date for applications; (b) on the date when they submit the application, are enrolled in, or later that same year intend to enroll in, the Master of Architecture program at the University of Queensland; (c) intend to participate in an Overseas Study Program as part of their Master of Architecture; and (d) do not hold another scholarship that the Head considers to be similar.

Amount $2,500

The value of the Scholarship will be $2,500 per semester of the applicable Overseas Study Program.

Number per year 1
Frequency Annual
Duration year
Student type Australian and New Zealand
Gender Co-Ed
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Postgraduate
Field of studys Architecture
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