The University of Melbourne

Master of Theatre (Writing)

The University of Melbourne

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00116K

The Master of Theatre (Writing) is unique in Australian theatre culture, focusing on the diversity of voices and cultures present in contemporary writing in Australia and overseas. It is closely interwoven with both the existing Master of Theatre (Directing) and Master of Theatre (Dramaturgy).Through a combination of writing workshops, critical seminars and discussions you will develop skills in writing for the diverse contexts of live and digital performance alongside gaining a deeper understanding of the relationship between the writer and the cultural contexts in which they write. You will be equipped with the skills to develop your own writing voice in multiple forms, as well as the academic writing skills to articulate your own practice in the context of contemporary cultural and performance theory. The program focuses on the development of a full length play - at the end of the year, each writer presents a rehearsed presentation of a full-length play to industry and public. You will also produce four other smaller performance writing projects including: writing from improvisation with acting and directing students writing for digital mediums adaptation of existing texts and writing for live art projects.


This is a 100 credit point program.


  • Research and New Performance Writing
  • Writing for Performance 1 (Solo)
  • Writing for Performance 2 (Collab)
  • Dramaturgy, Text and Performance
  • Collaborative Dramaturgies Project
  • Writing for Performance 3 (Portfolio)

Standard entry requirements

  • A bachelor honours degree or equivalent in a cognate area
  • A three-year undergraduate qualification and at least 50 credit points, or equivalent, of graduate study in a cognate area
  • A three-year undergraduate qualification in a cognate area and at least two years of documented, relevant work experience or
  • A minimum of eight years of documented relevant professional experience, with evidence of artistic ability and achievement or practice comparable to that expected of honours degree holders in relevant disciplines.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Southbank Domestic: $24,000
International: $42,976
  • Full-time : 1 year

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