The University of Melbourne

Exchange Program (Undergraduate)

The University of Melbourne

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Non-accredited courses
CRICOS: 00116K

Melbourne Law School (MLS) offers graduate research students from international institutions the opportunity to visit the University and complete a period of research as part of their home degree studies. MLS can host a maximum of three students per semester, with a preferred visit length between 3-6 months. Longer requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Successful applicants will be provided with a workspace, library access and regular supervision. They are also encouraged to participate in the academic and student life of the Law School.

Standard entry requirements

  • Be enrolled in a degree at an overseas institution that is recognised by the University of Melbourne
  • Your participation in our program is to undertake research towards your degree at your home institution
  • Meet the Universitys English language requirements or satisfy the University that your level of English is suitable for the purpose of your research and will allow you to meet all safety requirements
  • Have an agreement in writing from an academic at the University of Melbourne who is willing to act as your temporary supervisor while you are undertaking your research
  • Plan to undertake research for a minimum period of three months or a maximum period of twelve months, this may be extended up to two years with special permission
  • As an Exchange research student you must attend an institution that is a current partner institution of the University and have the support of your home institutions exchange office to join our research program

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Parkville International: $31,870 No

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