Diploma of Beauty Therapy - SHB50115

The Makeup Technicians Pty Ltd

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 03367M

This qualification reflects the role of individuals employed as beauty therapists to provide a broad range of beauty therapy treatments and services including facial treatments, body massage and treatments, hair removal, lash and brow treatments, nail and make-up services. This includes consultation with clients to provide beauty advice, recommend beauty treatments and services, and sell retail skin-care and cosmetic products.These individuals work relatively autonomously, and are accountable for personal outputs. Their work involves the self-directed application of knowledge and skills with substantial depth in some areas where judgement is required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, services and techniques. Work is typically conducted in beauty salons and spas.No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.


  • 25 units: 13 core
  • 12 elective


  • Provide superficial lymph massage treatments
  • Provide Indian head massages for relaxation
  • Provide hair reduction treatments using electrical currents
  • Manage small business finances
  • Provide body massages
  • Maintain infection control standards
  • Provide micro-dermabrasion treatments
  • Conduct salon financial transactions
  • Provide facial treatments and skin care recommendations
  • Design and apply make-up for photography
  • Prepare personalised aromatic plant oil blends for beauty treatments
  • Market the small business
  • Undertake small business planning
  • Provide aromatherapy massages
  • Use reflexology relaxation techniques in beauty treatments
  • Provide salon services to clients
  • Provide male intimate waxing services
  • Provide upper body piercings
  • Work in a spa therapies framework
  • Provide specialised facial treatments
  • Provide spa therapies
  • Apply safe hygiene, health and work practices
  • Provide body treatments
  • Research and apply beauty industry information
  • Determine resource requirements for the micro business
  • Provide diathermy treatments
  • Design and provide cosmetic tattooing
  • Monitor and manage small business operations
  • Provide manicure and pedicare services
  • Design and apply make-up
  • Design and apply remedial camouflage make-up
  • Comply with organisational requirements within a personal services environment
  • Provide female intimate waxing services
  • Provide stone therapy massages
  • Provide waxing services
  • Provide lash and brow services

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Darlinghurst International: $21,950 No
  • Full-time : 1 year

Further information

Applicants must possess Australian Core Skills Framework levels of at least 3 across reading, writing, learning, oral communication, and numeracy skills to successfully complete this program. Students who do not possess these skills to the level required will be enrolled in additional subjects to build the required skills.

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