Master of Forests
The Australian National University (ANU)
Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00120C
Forests, the most biodiverse terrestrial ecosystems, are central to life on earth and planetary and human health. Halting deforestation and forest degradation, restoring forests in landscapes degraded by unsustainable use, and expanding the role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation, are global goals with diverse local implementation opportunities and challenges. Traditional Owners now manage a third of Australia’s forests, mostly for conservation and environmental services; state agencies manage another third. Plantation forests grow most of our wood. Farm forests improve agricultural productivity and sustainability. Urban forests make cities more livable and improve their residents’ well being. Wood from sustainably managed forests is often described as ‘the ultimate renewable’, and is now the basis of advanced engineered materials and buildings. Around the world, forests in their many forms, and how we conserve and manage them sustainably for their myriad services and products, are being re-imagined.
The Masters of Forests requires completion of 96 units
Standard entry requirements
Applicants must present a Bachelor degree or international equivalentwith a minimum GPA of at least 5.0/7.0
Study information
Campus | Fees | Entry | Mid year intake | Attendance |
Canberra | International: $107,400 | No |