Diploma of Sustainable Practice


Type of institution: TAFE Institute
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 00591E

The higher education Diploma of Sustainable Practice is fully aligned with extensive research conducted by the peak, global industry association - the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) - into the knowledge and skills needed to be an excellent sustainability professional. This course will support you in creating opportunities to embed sustainability and sustainable practice in any organisation. It will provide you with the knowledge, confidence and transferable skills to design, develop, implement and evaluate frameworks and programs that will bring about lasting change to reduce organisational risk and increase resilience. As an umbrella industry, sustainability professionals come from diverse backgrounds, but what unites them is a drive to be an agent of change for a better future.


Completion of this course requires you to successfully complete 8 subjects (80 credit points) made up of 8 core subjects.


  • Sustainability project initiation, Sustainability project report, Decision making for sustainability, Analysing and reporting sustainability performance, Sustainability concepts and frameworks, Sustainability project implementation, Sustainability strategy design, Sustainability in context

Standard entry requirements

You must demonstrate that you have achieved one of the following: A NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) or its equivalent or, A Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation or its equivalent or, A completed certificate IV or higher vocational qualification or, At least one year of completed full-time study in a degree course at a higher education institution, Note: Your certificates, transcripts and other entry requirement evidence must be certified through a Justice of the Peace or other authorising officer

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
National Environment Centre Domestic: $9,400

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