Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00111D

Put your passion for a better world into a creative, meaningful career. In the Bachelor of Arts, youll learn how societies evolve and humans change the world. Expect to focus on the worlds most pressing problems, critical thinking, communication skills, cultural competency, digital literacy and building your confidence to make a difference.


Successful completion of the Bachelor of Arts requires students to complete units of study to the value of 300 credit points. All units of study are valued at 12.5 credit points unless otherwise stated.


  • ART10002 Technology and Society
  • ART20003 Skills and Strategies for Social Change
  • ART30004 Changemakers in Action
  • ART30005 BA Professional Practice
  • WEI20001 Work Experience In Industry A
  • SOC20018 Integrated Professional Placement A - Humanities
  • WEI20002 Work Experience in Industry B
  • SOC20019 Integrated Professional Placement B - Humanities
  • WEI20001 Work Experience In Industry A
  • SOC20018 Integrated Professional Placement A - Humanities

Standard entry requirements

  • Successful completion of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or its equivalent, such as an interstate or international Year 12 qualification
  • Completion or partial completion of an approved tertiary qualification (including diplomas, advanced diplomas, associate degrees and degrees).


Graduates of the Digital Advertising Technology major will be eligible for membership of the Australasian Interactive Media Industry Association (AIMIA). Graduates of the Journalism major will be eligible to apply for membership of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA).

Study pathways

Pathways allow students to progress from one qualification to another where the first course is recognised as an entry requirement and/or provides advanced standing to the second. Credit is granted in recognition of previous study and/or experience and allows students to gain advanced standing towards their course. Applicants are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Hawthorn Domestic: $50,976
International: $104,640
  • ATAR: 60
  • Full-time : 3 years

Further information

Swinburne's Work Integrated Learning program provides students with opportunities to gain invaluable skills and confidence in knowing that they have what it takes to land a job in their field by graduation. Students can also earn credit towards their degree. Choose from 6- or 12-month professional placements, professional internships, industry-linked projects, industry study tours and accreditation placements. Note: Some Work Integrated Learning opportunities are not available to international students due to visa restrictions.

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