Certificate IV in Racing (Racehorse Trainer) - RGR40118


Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

This qualification reflects the role of individuals licensed to operate a business that trains horses under racing industry regulated licensing criteria for the purpose of competing in industry-regulated events in the harness or thoroughbred racing codes.It covers the care, maintenance and performance of racehorses and the tasks and duties associated with running a racing establishment, including managing staff, finances and equipment. Trainers are responsible for planning and organising their own work, leading others and carrying out often complex and non-routine tasks.This qualification is required for industry licensing and registration in some states and territories. Refer to the relevant state or territory Principal Racing Authority for current requirements.Competencies attained in the units packaged for this qualification will apply to the harness and thoroughbred codes of the industry. Consequently, when performance criteria are applied they will relate to the harness or thoroughbred code and a Certificate IV in Racing (Racehorse Trainer) must contain a statement as follows:'This qualification was achieved under the conditions operating in the [insert relevant racing code - harness OR thoroughbred] code of the racing industry.'


  • 15 units: 7 core
  • 8 elective


  • Plan and adapt training and conditioning programs for racehorses
  • Participate in racing protests and inquiries
  • Manage a small team
  • Educate thoroughbred horses for racing
  • Develop systems and records for horse racing business training operations
  • Perform basic driving tasks
  • Manage small business finances
  • Apply knowledge of horse behaviour
  • Operate horse racing training business
  • Manage selection of horse for new or inexperienced handler, rider or driver
  • Provide care and treatment of horses
  • Determine nutritional requirements for racing horses
  • Participate in media interviews for racing
  • Market the small business
  • Trial and race horses
  • Implement stable operations
  • Manage horse health and welfare
  • Develop a social media strategy
  • Comply with regulatory, taxation and insurance requirements for the micro business
  • Comply with racing industry ethics and integrity
  • Prepare to drive jog work
  • Drive horses in pacework and fast work
  • Supervise handling of horses
  • Select horses for racing
  • Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
  • Train horses for jumping racing
  • Assess suitability of horses for specific uses
  • Relate animal welfare to track and environmental conditions
  • Participate in implementing racehorse exercise programs
  • Provide first aid
  • Develop driving skills for trackwork
  • Maintain workplace safety
  • Plan and implement education of horses for racing
  • Deal with conflict
  • Promote and maintain business arrangements with racehorse owners
  • Educate horses for harness racing

Standard entry requirements

To undertake this qualification the individual must have:a racing industry Certificate III qualification demonstrating industry-relevant experience in the care, welfare and management of horses such as RGR30518 Certificate III in Racing (Trackwork Rider), or RGR30218 Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand), or RGR30318 Certificate III in Racing (Driving Stablehand).ordemonstrated equivalent skills and knowledge in the care, welfare and management of horses commensurate with the qualifications above.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Dandenong Domestic: $15,200
  • Full-time : 3 years
  • Flexible Delivery : 18 months
Horsham Domestic: $15,200
  • Full-time : 3 years
  • Flexible Delivery : 18 months
Longerenong Domestic: $15,200
  • Full-time : 3 years
  • Flexible Delivery : 18 months

Fee comments

Campuses: Dandenong, Horsham, Longerenong.

Materials and/or Amenities Fees may apply. Visit www.skillinvest.com.au (TR002VIC Indicative Fees and Charges) for a full list of fees.

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