Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management - AHC60319

RuralBiz Training

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in a range of agribusiness leadership or consulting roles. The role reflects the need for agribusiness specific expertise in planning and analysis, managing supply chains, financial and human resource management together with an emphasis on return on investment.At this level, workers utilise significant theoretical agribusiness knowledge and provide leadership and strategic direction across multiple enterprises. Agribusiness leaders and consultants analyse, design and execute judgements using wide-ranging technical, conceptual and managerial competencies. Their knowledge base may be highly specialised or broad within the agribusiness field. These individuals are often accountable for group outcomes and for the overall performance of agricultural or horticultural production enterprises.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.


  • Develop export markets for produce
  • Manage succession planning
  • Manage the production system
  • Implement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program
  • Recruit and coordinate committee members
  • Manage a supply chain
  • Establish systems that support innovation
  • Design and manage the enterprise quality management system
  • Monitor corporate governance activities
  • Develop a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program
  • Manage agribusiness risk
  • Manage board or committee and organisational conflict
  • Develop site safety plans
  • Support policy implementation
  • Develop climate risk management strategies
  • Manage capital works
  • Lead and manage community or industry organisations
  • Manage financial resources
  • Develop and manage a community based marketing supply chain
  • Develop and review an enterprise strategic plan
  • Plan and manage infrastructure
  • Analyse machinery options
  • Provide leadership across the organisation
  • Design and conduct a field-based research trial
  • Advise on carbon farming project planning and implementation
  • Manage human resources
  • Manage enterprise staff requirements
  • Develop a sales strategy for rural products
  • Review land management plans and strategies
  • Monitor projects in a program
  • Plan and implement a farm or enterprise biosecurity plan
  • Prepare to comply with measuring and modelling requirements of carbon farming methods

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Dubbo Domestic: $9,000
International: $9,000
University of New England Domestic: $9,000
International: $9,000

Fee comments

Campuses: Dubbo.

VET Student Loans available, along with government subsidies in some states. Please contact provider for further information.

Campuses: University of New England.

VET Student Loans available, along with government subsidies in some states for eligible students. Please contact the provider for further information.

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