Bachelor of Health Science/Bachelor of Applied Science (Osteopathy)

RMIT University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00122A

Osteopaths are trained in diagnosis, management, and treatment of musculoskeletal pain disorders. They combine conventional medical testing procedures and skills of palpation and motion testing to inform their clinical rationale for treating a patients condition. You will be trained in musculoskeletal diagnosis, clinical procedures in performing conventional medical tests, physical examination techniques, and motion testing in order to assist in diagnosis of a patients condition. Osteopaths make treatment decisions that depend on the patient as well as their condition. They might give advice on posture, exercise, lifting procedures, nutrition and other areas.


Total Credit Points: 480


  • Clinical studies, Health sciences, Natural medicine, Osteopathic science.

Standard entry requirements

You must have successfully completed an Australian Year 12 (or equivalent qualification).


The program is fully accredited with the Osteopathy Board of Australia. Subject to continuing accreditation, graduates can apply to the Osteopathy Board of Australia for national registration.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Bundoora International: $201,600 No
  • Full-time : 5 years

Further information

The type of careers this qualification leads to may include Osteopathy

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