Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Bachelor of Architectural Design / Bachelor of Built Environment (Honours) (Urban and Regional Planning)

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00213J

In your first year, youll complete units that will lay the foundations for the remainder of your course. Youll explore the built environment, and receive an introduction to planning and design, urban development law, urban analysis and land-use planning. You will also develop your skills in negotiation and conflict resolution. You will continue your studies in your second year, building skills in site planning, stakeholder engagement, transport planning and planning law. From there, youll have the opportunity to refine your understanding of urban design and property development and use your cumulative knowledge to undertake environmental planning activities. You will also reflect on your work placement and consolidate your research skills.

Standard entry requirements

Requirements may vary depends on country

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Gardens Point International: $213,950
  • ATAR: 80
  • Full-time : 5.5 years

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