Certificate III in Process Plant Operations - PMA30120
National Training Services Pty Ltd
Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
This qualification reflects the role of advanced operators and operations technicians who use production equipment to directly produce product. At this level, operators/technicians undertake advanced operations, typically of integrated plant units in accordance with the operating procedures and apply their knowledge to anticipate problems. They are expected to solve a range of foreseen and unforeseen problems, using product and process knowledge to develop solutions to problems that do not have a known solution or a solution recorded in the procedures.
- Operate and troubleshoot water treatment systems
- Monitor and operate low pressure compressors
- Use planning software systems in operations
- Monitor and control work permits
- Monitor and control repairs and modifications on operational pipe
- Provide coaching/mentoring in the workplace
- Operate and troubleshoot gas turbine system
- Use structured problem-solving tools
- Disconnect and reconnect non-flared tube fitting joints
- Shut down and isolate machines/equipment
- Organise and communicate information
- Operate fluid flow equipment
- Operate and monitor prime movers
- Operate chemical separation equipment
- Control the risks of falls
- Operate and troubleshoot reactors and reaction equipment
- Control gas odourisation
- Control minor incidents
- Operate and troubleshoot production unit
- Operate Joule-Thomson effect device
- Conduct hazard analysis
- Follow emergency response procedures
- Follow WHS procedures
- Operate an electrochemical process
- Conduct thickening and clarifying process
- Operate and troubleshoot inert gas generation systems
- Operate control panel during an emergency
- Manage communication systems during an incident
- Undertake first response to fire incidents
- Sample and test materials and product
- Operate solids handling equipment
- Apply workplace context to own job
- Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site
- Operate solids handling/storage facility
- Gas test atmospheres
- Operate manufacturing extrusion systems
- Undertake initial rescue
- Identify and apply process improvements
- Operate filtration equipment
- Monitor, operate and maintain pipeline stations and equipment
- Sustain process improvements
- Bake carbon anodes
- Operate a metalliferous kiln/furnace
- Store fluids in bulk
- Use organisation computers or data systems
- Operate and troubleshoot instrument and plant air systems
- Operate a forklift
- Investigate incidents
- Manage plant shutdown and restart
- Process and record information
- Communicate in the workplace
- Monitor continuous process plant
- Operate and troubleshoot cooling water systems
- Operate and monitor basic boiler
- Prepare and isolate plant
- Assess and secure an incident site
- Deliver molten metal
- Operate digestion equipment
- Operate reduction cells
- Organise storage and logistics of general materials
- Select and prepare materials
- Undertake minor maintenance
- Provide Advanced First Aid
- Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
- Operate and troubleshoot wells and gathering systems
- Operate safety, protection and shutdown systems
- Adjust batch
- Collect routine site samples
- Operate powered separation equipment
- Prepare basic engineering drawing
- Conduct screening operations
- Operate and troubleshoot process control systems
- Operate separation equipment
- Operate communications hub
- Transfer bulk fluids into/out of storage facility
- Operate and troubleshoot process measurement and control systems
- Cast ingots
- Form carbon anodes
- Identify equipment faults
- Operate and troubleshoot heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
- Operate pelletising equipment
- Operate and troubleshoot liquefaction process
- Contribute to the application of a proactive maintenance strategy
- Licence to operate a steam turbine
- Perform basic tests
- Monitor process capability
- Operate a blast furnace
- Clean and strip anode rods
- Operate and troubleshoot turret swivel systems
- Match and adjust colour
- Start up reduction cells
- Licence to operate an advanced boiler
- Facilitate a team
- Monitor vibration
- Select and use utilities and services
- Operate and troubleshoot export systems
- Provide work skill instruction
- Conduct artificial lift
- Use equipment
- Supply product from reduction cells
- Undertake fire control and emergency rescue
- Monitor and control repairs and modifications on operational pipe
- Read dials and indicators
- Observe permit work
- Operate and troubleshoot drain and vent systems
- Manage incident response information
- Work in a team
- Interpret process plant schematics
- Conduct precipitation operations
- Generate electrical power
- Operate and troubleshoot liquid extraction system
- Licence to operate a standard boiler
- Operate and troubleshoot fuel systems
- Develop and adjust a production schedule
- Operate breathing apparatus
- Operate and troubleshoot hydraulic systems
- Work safely
- Operate and troubleshoot condensate stabilisation systems
- Operate offshore cranes
- Operate and troubleshoot heating furnace
- Conduct calcinations activities
- Operate and troubleshoot distillation system
- Apply cost factors to work practices
- Control corrosion
- Spray carbon anodes
- Process design fundamentals
- Undertake well management
- Operate grinding equipment
- Enter confined space
- Operate and troubleshoot heating medium/hot oil systems
- Provide fluids for utilities and support
- Operate complex control systems
- Lead emergency teams
- Communicate and monitor pipeline activities
- Respond to a helideck incident
- Operate and troubleshoot furnaces to induce reaction
- Apply 5S procedures
- Operate and troubleshoot cryogenic processes
- Moor ships for transfer of bulk processed particulates or fluids
- Operate and troubleshoot gas absorption system
- Operate wet milling equipment
- Issue work permits
- Achieve work outcomes
- Operate and monitor pumping systems and equipment
- Operate vehicles in the field
- Undertake root cause analysis
- Monitor chemical reactions in the process
- Monitor wells and gathering systems
- Provide First Aid
- Conduct local risk control
- Perform computations
- Contribute to the development of workplace documentation
- Conduct pipeline pigging
- Work in accordance with an issued permit
- Monitor and maintain cathodic protection systems
- Work safely and effectively in manufacturing and engineering
- Operate equipment
- Operate and troubleshoot produced water and water injection systems
- Operate cell tending equipment
- Operate and troubleshoot compressor systems
- Operate crushing equipment
- Clean workplace or equipment
- Package product/material
- Operate and troubleshoot gas treatment process
- Operate a biochemical process
- Operate fluid mixing equipment
- Operate and troubleshoot fixed-bed adsorption system
- Operate heat exchangers
- Facilitate the implementation of WHS for a work group
- Operate vertical direct casting process
- Work effectively with diversity
- Operate bulk solids loading equipment
- Operate a biotreater
- Undertake manual handling
- Operate and troubleshoot flare systems
- Maintain pipeline easements
- Perform engineering measurements
- Operate and monitor valve systems
- Operate a smelting furnace
- Operate sintering equipment
- Prepare equipment for emergency response
- Create and conduct isolations in the workplace
- Undertake first response to non-fire incidents
- Operate local control system
- Undertake ship transfer operations
- Contribute to assessment
- Interpret technical drawing
- Assess risk
- Break and make flanged joints using hand tools
- Manage communication systems during an incident
Study information
Campus | Fees | Entry | Mid year intake | Attendance |
Workplace Delivery | No |
Fee comments
Campuses: Workplace Delivery.
Fee concessions are available to students eligible for Victorian Skills First funding