Myrtle AB Lamb Honours Scholarship

Murdoch University

Originally established in 1993, the Myrtle AB Lamb Honours Scholarship aims to assist the recipient to undertake a full-time Honours project researching any aspect of the conservation of Western Australian native flora and fauna.


Applicants must: be Australian citizens; be intending to enrol full-time in an Honours course within the School of Veterinary and Life Sciences at Murdoch University; be intending to conduct research into an aspect of the conservation of Western Australian native flora and fauna; and have a record of high achievement in previous study and/or in professional work. Selection will be based on summary of intended honours project and provided references.

Amount $2,500

The scholarship is valued at $3,000, paid in 2 instalments of $1,250, with a final payment of $500 upon submission of the thesis.

Closing date 5 March
Number per year 1
Frequency Annual
Duration year
Student type Australian
Gender Co-Ed
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Undergraduate / VET
Field of studys Agriculture
Environmental studies
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