Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Moore Theological College

Type of institution: Higher Education Institutions
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00682B

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) aims to equip qualified persons for a vocation of teaching and research in theological colleges and universities and for the scholarly enhancement of Christian ministry.


Candidates undertake independent research towards a 70,000–100,000 word thesis on a topic approved by the College. The research is conducted under the supervision of a member of faculty of Moore College.

Standard entry requirements

  • Moore College Bachelor of Divinity (BD) graduates with Honours 1 or Honours 2A (upper second class honours), who completed the Research Project unit (CT499) with a score of 72.5% or above
  • Moore College Bachelor of Theology/Master of Theology (Coursework) (BTh/ThM) graduates with Honours 2A or above, who completed the Research Project unit (CT499) with a score of 72.5% or above, may proceed directly to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) course. Graduates with Honours 2A or above who completed Issues in Theology (CT400) instead of the research project unit (CT499) need to successfully complete a research task set by the Research Committee to be admitted to the PhD
  • The Moore College Master of Theology (MTh)
  • Enrolment in the Moore College MTh for not less than one year as a full-time candidate or two years as a part-time candidate where the Research Committee (RC) has certified that the applicants work as a Masters candidate is of such a standard as to justify candidature for the PhD degree or Graduates of an approved Australian or overseas institution with a qualification, which, in the opinion of the RC is equivalent to any of the above. Such applicants will need to demonstrate competence to Level III in a biblical language relevant to their planned area of research and submit a piece of written work that demonstrates their capacity to research
  • A candidate may not be admitted unless the RC determines that adequate supervision is available.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Newtown No
  • Part-time : 3 years

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