Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

Melbourne Polytechnic

Type of institution: TAFE Institute
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00724G

Prepare for your career as a kinder and early childhood teacher in children aged from birth to five years.


  • Credit points are a basic measure of student workload. All subjects are given a credit point value. Most subjects at Melbourne Polytechnic are 12 credit points. A normal full-time annual workload is 96 credit points. The academic year is divided into two main semesters
  • full-time students usually enrol in 48 credit points each semester, part-time students usually enrol in 24 credit points each semester or less.

Standard entry requirements

  • Year 12 VCE or equivalent
  • VET qualification
  • Relevant industry experience.


Year 12 or equivalent with a study score of 25 in English and satisfactory completion of VCE units 1 and 2 Mathematics (excluding Foundation Mathematics); or relevant work experience and/or mature age entry; or Diploma of Children's Services; Working with Children Check and selection interview prior to commencement; STAT test (Maths and English) for applicants who hold a Diploma of Children's Services or are mature age; International students also require overall Academic IELTS score of 6.5 (across all bands).

Study pathways

Qualifies graduates for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) - the registration body for teachers. Also qualifies graduates as a kindergarten teacher.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Preston Domestic: $11,020
International: $67,920
  • Full-time : 3 years

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