Macquarie University

Graduate Certificate of Early Childhood

Macquarie University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00002J

When children are exposed to positive educational experiences prior to school, their learning capabilities - and in turn their chances of excelling in school - are greatly improved. Macquarie has a strong reputation and long history in early childhood teaching and research, and youll be taught by active researchers in early childhood. The Graduate Certificate of Early Childhood will develop your understanding of contemporary research-based early childhood principles and practice in selected areas. On successful completion, it offers an opportunity for students with an Australian bachelor degree or equivalent in a discipline other than early childhood education, to qualify for entry into Macquaries master degrees in early childhood education.


Total Credit Points 40


  • ECHE6000 Early Childhood Philosophy and Pedagogy
  • ECHE6020 Early Childhood Development
  • EDST8000 Educational Research
  • ECHE8200 Families in Context
  • ECHE8230 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood
  • ECHE8240 Early Childhood Development Research and Practice
  • ECHE8270 Learning Through Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood Settings

Standard entry requirements

AQF level 7 bachelors qualification or recognised equivalent

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Online Campus International: $18,700 No
  • Online/Off-campus : 0.5 years
Wallumattagal Campus Macquarie Park International: $18,700 No
  • Full-time : 0.5 years

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