Macquarie University

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)

Macquarie University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00002J

Early childhood educators provide young children with a strong foundation for learning, and help them develop their social and emotional skills. Primary educators build on these capabilities, helping children develop their literacy and numeracy skills as well as their physical, arts, social and emotional competencies. The Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) is part of an innovative suite of new education degrees being pioneered by Macquarie. Streamlined and future focused, the degrees provide the opportunity to undertake full-time employment as a conditionally accredited teacher during fourth year. Your studies will be integrated into your work via a hybrid program of


Total Credit Points 320


  • ECHE1130 Understanding Play Based Approaches for Learning, Development and Wellbeing
  • ECHE1310 Exploring The Arts in Childrens Lives
  • EDST1500 Understanding Learners and Learning Environments
  • EDST1505 Understanding Sustainability
  • EDST1508 Understanding Child Development: Infants and Young Children
  • EDST1518 Practice of Teaching: Infant and Toddler Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • EDST2120 Teaching Language, Literacies and Literature in Early Childhood
  • EDST2500 Practice of Teaching: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
  • EDST2501 Practice of Teaching: Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Pedagogies
  • EDST2510 Understanding the Brain, Development and Learning
  • EDST2520 Designing Technology Enhanced Learning in Primary Education
  • EDST2530 Teaching History and Geography in Primary Schools
  • EDST2601 Teaching English 1: Foundations of Reading and Writing Instruction
  • EDST2611 Teaching English 2: Language, Literacies and Literature in the Early Primary Years
  • EDST2710 Teaching Mathematics 1
  • EDST3500 Practice of Teaching: Reimagining Indigenous Education
  • EDST3501 Practice of Teaching: Creating and Managing Learning Environments
  • EDST3510 Teaching Science and Technology Education
  • EDST3520 Teaching Mathematics, and Science and Technology in Early Childhood
  • EDST3530 Teaching Creative Arts across the Curriculum
  • EDST3540 Teaching Health and Physical Education in Primary Schools
  • EDST3601 Teaching English 3: Language, Literacies and Literature in the Later Primary Years
  • EDST3710 Teaching Mathematics 2
  • EDST4511 Embracing Educational Leadership: Relationships with Children, Families, Colleagues and Communities
  • EDST4514 Practice of Teaching: Pedagogical Leadership in Settings for Children Aged Three to Five
  • EDST4520 Practice of Teaching: Work Integrated Learning 2
  • EDST1234 Mathematics for Primary Teachers
  • EDST1501 Understanding Inclusion in a Diverse World
  • EDST3120 Teaching STEM: Specialisation
  • EDST3200 Teaching English 4: Specialisation

Standard entry requirements


Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Wallumattagal Campus Macquarie Park International: $155,200 No
  • Full-time : 4 years

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