Doctor of Public Health (Professional Doctorate)

La Trobe University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00115M

If you are an experienced health professional or graduate interested in working in the globally relevant field of public health, this degree gives you an opportunity to enrich and extend your professional expertise and undertake research in government, non-government, professional or community settings. The degree offers an integrated program of research with supporting coursework in the first year. Through a combination of core and elective subjects, you will gain knowledge and skills in designing and conducting research, literature review techniques, critical analysis and writing for publication. You will pursue an independent and sustained investigation into a research problem of your own design that will culminate in the submission of a thesis for examination of 60,000 words.

Standard entry requirements

  • Postgraduate: Prerequisites - Course specific requirements - The minimum academic requirement for entry to a Professional Doctorate degree at La Trobe is a four-year degree or a Masters degree with a weighted average mark of 65 or above completed within the last ten years
  • Eligibility for registration for professional practice in Australia (where applicable)
  • And at least two years professional practice. Note: An applicant may be considered for entry with an overall weighted average mark below 65 if their weighted average mark in final full year (FTE) of study is 65 or above. Candidates may also be required to provide evidence of research expertise.
  • International: IELTS - 6.5 < 6.0 (PG minimum) - 6.5 IELTS (Academic) with no individual band less than 6.0.
  • Note: This course may be subject to alternative or extra entry requirements depending on your life circumstances and/or work experience. For the complete entry requirements, please search for your course on the La Trobe website:

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Melbourne (Bundoora) International: $174,400 No
  • Full-time : 4 years

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