James Cook University JCU

James Cook University Exchange Program

James Cook University JCU

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Non-accredited courses
CRICOS: 00117J

JCUs Exchange program offers the opportunity for students currently enrolled at one of our partner institutions across Europe, Asia, the South Pacific, and the Americas, to study at JCU for up to two consecutive trimesters, all while earning credit towards their degree. While on Exchange, youll continue paying course fees to your home university, helping you keep your finances in check.

Standard entry requirements

  • Undergraduate entry requirements
  • You must have successfully completed 6 months of full-time study at a recognised higher education institution and received a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.0 out of 7.0, or minimum average results of a passing grade.
  • Postgraduate entry requirements
  • You must have successfully completed a Bachelors degree or equivalent from a recognised higher education institution.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
JCU Townsville No

Fee comments

Campuses: JCU Townsville.

Please Contact James Cook University about more informations about tuition fees

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