Design and Develop Assessment Tools - TAEASS502

IVET Advanced Training

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

In this program, participants will learn how to design and develop full assessment tools, including; Assessment instruments; Candidate and Assessor instructions; Assessor guides, including marking guidesValidating mapping; As part of the coursework, participants develop a number of assessment tools and will trial and review them as part of the assessment requirements.The two day program is delivered as consecutive days, taking participants through the end to end process of assessment tool development and to ensure absolute clarity of the tasks to be completed post-workshops.

Standard entry requirements

  • To undertake this program, participants must possess a high level of language and literacy skills
  • The unit of competency also requires the tools developed as part of the coursework to be trialled and reviewed, so participants should also be currently practicing in a VET environment
  • Computer Literacy- Please note. The majority of assessment tasks in this program are required to be written in Microsoft Word and uploaded as pdf. Therefore, participants need to be reasonably proficient using MS Word (basic functions are usually fine) and able to perform other basic computer tasks such as converting word to pdf and uploading Familiarity and competence in using web based interfaces is also crucial in order to easily navigate and use the online portal
  • TAE Academy does not provide tuition in using the aforementioned technologies. If you do not currently possess these skills, it is highly recommended that you first seek some basic training prior to undertaking this course.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Online No

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