Diploma of Business (Entrepreneurship) - Accelerated

International College of Hotel Management (ICHM)

Type of institution: Higher Education Institutions
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 02914G

Due to the rapidly changing environment especially in the job market, the Diploma of Business (Entrepreneurship) focuses on future-proofing graduates with the graduate qualities and learning outcomes so that they can adapt and strive in their career progression. ICHM graduates gain a comprehensive understanding of the changing business landscape, and as a result, have outstanding career prospects with many obtaining highly sought after positions around the world.

Standard entry requirements

  • Domestic: Completion of Year 12 with Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or IB20.
  • International: Please see the comprehensive list of international entry requirements (Depends on the country)

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Adelaide - Currie Street No
  • Full-time : 26 weeks

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