Certificate IV in Electrical - Rail Signalling - UEE41220

HRD Integrated Services

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

This qualification provides competencies to install, certify, fault find and maintain rail signalling equipment and systems.This includes requirements for performing like-for-like replacement, performing authorised installations and alterations, and applying emergency operational restriction. It excludes changing circuit principles, changing the design function and commissioning.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.


  • Operate application software packages
  • Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
  • Source and purchase material/parts for installation or service jobs
  • Test and commission rail power equipment
  • Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Find and repair rail signalling system faults
  • Install and maintain non-vital screen-based control systems
  • Install and maintain trackside signal and train protection equipment
  • Install and maintain rail bonding systems
  • Maintain electronic and microprocessor-based remote control systems
  • Test copper rail signalling cables
  • Install and maintain power-operated point actuating devices
  • Deliver a service to customers
  • Participate in development and follow a personal competency development plan
  • Provide basic instruction in the use of electrotechnology apparatus
  • Install and maintain vital relay interlocking systems
  • Set up and configure basic local area network (LAN)
  • Decommission electrical and electromechanical rail signalling from service
  • Repair rail signalling power and control cables
  • Install and maintain active level crossing equipment
  • Provide quotations for installation or service jobs
  • Install and maintain computer-based interlocking rail systems
  • Compile and produce an energy sector detailed report
  • Maintain documentation
  • Install and maintain non-vital telemetry systems
  • Install and maintain rail track circuit leads and bonds
  • Implement and monitor energy sector WHS policies and procedures
  • Install and maintain rail signalling power supplies
  • Comply with scheduled and preventative maintenance program processes
  • Install and maintain train detection equipment
  • Maintain mechanical rail signalling equipment and infrastructure
  • Assemble and wire internal electrical rail signalling equipment
  • Use engineering applications software on personal computers
  • Develop rail signalling system maintenance programs
  • Observe safety practices are followed in the vicinity of isolated electrical cables
  • Implement and monitor energy sector environmental and sustainable policies and procedures

Standard entry requirements

The entry requirement for this qualification is:UEE30820 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electricianora current 'Unrestricted Electricians Licence' or its equivalent issued in an Australian state or territory.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
HRD Williamstown North No
  • Full-time : 4 weeks

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