Diploma of Community Development - CHC52115

Health Industry Training

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)

This qualification reflects the role of community services workers who manage the development and delivery of programs that build capacity of communities to influence and guide their own future through public social change processes. At this level, workers have specialised skills with complexity in the range and choices of actions required. Workers will generally have responsibility for the supervision of other workers and volunteers.This work may be undertaken through organisations working across a range of social, environment, health, economic, arts and culture, recreation sectors.No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.


  • 14 units: 8 core
  • 6 elective


  • Address complex legal and ethical issues in professional practice
  • Facilitate the empowerment of older people
  • Apply legal and ethical responsibilities in counselling practice
  • Support community action
  • Work effectively with young people and their families
  • Provide community focused health promotion and prevention strategies
  • Provide advanced facilitation practice
  • Plan and conduct a community meeting
  • Secure and manage funding
  • Develop and implement community programs
  • Manage risk
  • Develop and support community leadership
  • Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • Manage recovery functions and services
  • Secure funding
  • Recognise and respond to crisis situations
  • Facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
  • Establish and develop community organisations or social enterprises
  • Provide advocacy and representation services
  • Develop and lead community engagement strategies to enhance participation
  • Work within organisation and government structures to enable community development outcomes
  • Manage project stakeholder engagement
  • Undertake small business planning
  • Work in an emergency management context
  • Manage budgets and financial plans
  • Support the rights and safety of children and young people
  • Work with forced migrants
  • Facilitate the development of community capacity to manage place making
  • Work to empower Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Present information to stakeholder groups
  • Mentor in the workplace
  • Manage and promote diversity
  • Plan and conduct group activities
  • Work within a structured counselling framework
  • Provide systems advocacy services
  • Implement community development strategies
  • Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
  • Provide information/strategies to enhance capacities of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander families
  • Work intensively with clients
  • Facilitate community involvement in recovery
  • Plan, develop and evaluate health promotion and community development programs
  • Determine suitability of client for counselling services
  • Improve clients' fundamental financial literacy skills
  • Coordinate complex case requirements
  • Maintain work health and safety
  • Develop and provide community projects
  • Monitor corporate governance activities
  • Monitor and manage small business operations
  • Plan health promotion and community intervention
  • Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
  • Undertake project work
  • Analyse and present research information
  • Provide group education on consumer credit and debt
  • Share health information
  • Deliver emergency relief services
  • Assess co-existing needs
  • Facilitate the counselling relationship
  • Develop, implement and review sexual and reproductive health education programs
  • Manage project cost
  • Manage project governance
  • Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • Develop and implement a community renewal plan
  • Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Hervey Bay Domestic: $6,000
International: $6,000

Fee comments

Campuses: Hervey Bay.

The Diploma is offered through VET FEE-HELP for eligible students.

Further information

Where work also involves a specific focus on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients or communities, candidates are recommended to select the following unit: Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

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