Bachelor of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Honours)

Griffith University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00233E

This program is designed to provide students with an opportunity to undertake advanced study and supervised research work in the specialisation defined by their undergraduate degree program within the context of a multidisciplinary cohort.The research skills developed within this program will provide an attractive credential for students seeking employment in the public or private sectors. The program will also provide the necessary preparation for entry into a higher degree research program. The multidisciplinary context of the program, involving team-teaching of students and the sharing of coursework and seminar experiences across disciplines will be invaluable to students given the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to researchers and practitioners seeking to understand complex problems in health.Pharmacy at Griffith is ranked #1 by the Good Universities Guide 2023/24 for Overall Experience, Teaching Quality, and Student Support in Australia.


  • Advanced Research Statistics
  • Applied Research Statistics and Meta-Analysis
  • Dissertation 1
  • Dissertation 2
  • Dissertation 3
  • Dissertation 4
  • Dissertation 5
  • Dissertation Preparation
  • Listed electives and/or Free-choice electives
  • Qualitative Research
  • Quantitative Research

Standard entry requirements

Bachelor of Pharmacology and Toxicology or equivalent with 5.0 GPA over second and third year


Griffith University grants credit and recognition of prior learning which may relate to prior formal learning or prior informal and non-formal learning. For more information, please visit the following website: Credit transfer Griffith's innovative Credit Precedent Database allows you to find out what credit decisions have been made in the past. These precedents will give you an idea of what you can expect. View credit precedents for this program

Study pathways

Students who successfully complete the one-year Bachelor of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Honours) will be eligible to apply for entry to higher degree studies and pursue a research or academic career.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Gold Coast International: $38,000 No
  • Full-time : 1 year
  • Part-time : 2 years

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