Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion

The Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion requires 0.5 years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). The course is offered by the College of Medicine and Public Health. The course articulates with the 54 or 72 unit Master of Public Health and the sequentially developed topics enable progression through the awards.


Bedford Park

Full-time - 6 months



Full-time - 6 months



Students complete two core (compulsory) topics and one option topic from a range of option topics available aimed at maximising consumer and community participation to enable individuals and communities to be better informed and to be involved in health care decisions.; encouraging partnerships between health and non-health sectors to ensure full use of resources.; fostering self-management and self-reliance to increase knowledge, skills and confidence in individuals, groups and communities.; and promoting health and disease prevention to attain and sustain good health and well-being.


  • Health Promotion, Social Determinants, Health and Wellbeing.

Entry requirements

  • Applicants must normally hold an approved degree or equivalent qualification from an approved tertiary institution and have their candidature approved by the Dean (Education)

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