Excelsia University College

Graduate Certificate in Aged Care

Excelsia University College

Type of institution: Higher Education Institutions
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 02664K

By 2060, the federal government estimates the number of Australians over the age of 75 will rise to four million. As the demand for aged care services increases, so too does stronger governance and leadership within the sector as identified by the Royal Commission. The Graduate Certificate in Aged Care utilises a Christian framework that is also inclusive and respectful of other faiths. This allows students to learn about working with service users and their families, ensuring their rights are heard and ethically practiced. This course has been designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience and flexibility to study online whilst continuing to work.


24 credit points


  • Navigating Aged Care in Australia
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Aged Care
  • Enhancing Dementia Care
  • Working with Diverse Groups of Elderly People

Standard entry requirements

Applicants may be admitted to the Graduate Certificate in Aged Care or the Graduate Diploma of Aged Care if they have previously successfully completed a relevant: bachelor degree or bachelor honours degree. ‘Relevant’ means a degree that includes subjects in human services, psychology, social work and education. ‘Non-relevant’ means degrees that are science based (not including psychology), where you have not human services-related subjects. Applicants with non-relevant degrees will be considered on the basis of their work and life experience. Applicants with Work and Life ExperienceApplicants without undergraduate qualifications can apply for admission via the work and life experience pathway which may consider other forms of study completed in the higher educational sector and vocational sectors. These include volunteer activities with older people, participation in religious communities supporting older people, church contributions, and professional development relevant to human services and aged care.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Online Domestic: $10,000
  • Part-time : 1 year
  • Online/Off-campus : 6 months

Fee comments

Campuses: Online.

FEE-HELP available for domestic students

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