Bachelor of Dramatic Art

Excelsia College

Type of institution: Higher Education Institutions
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 02664K

This degree provides an extensive introduction to all the major aspects of theatre, and rigorous training in one specialisation - performance, production or theatre practice. Performers develop consistent competence and confidence in all aspects of stagecraft, whether in the theatre or in front of a camera. Production students develop solid skills in stage management, design and direction suitable for a variety of theatrical careers. Theatre Practice leads to competence in both acting and theatre production suitable for a diversity of support roles. Theatrical productions are a regular feature throughout. Industry placements include the overseas screen acting training in Hollywood. Specialist studies are layered with exploration of a Christian worldview that supports personal and professional ethics and social responsibility.


  • A common first year core prepares students for their choice of major study. Thereafter, acting, voice and movement provide a linear development of process and exploration for performers
  • production students receive extensive practical and theoretical training in many aspects of theatre production and direction, majoring in one such element
  • theatre practice students study both performance and production units to develop well-rounded skills, knowledge and experience appropriate to teaching and community theatre. Electives allow students to explore avenues of interest or career relevance.


  • Acting
  • Design (Set, Lighting, Sound, Costume)
  • Directing
  • Movement
  • Performance
  • Production
  • Projects (Film, Theatre, Performance, Production)
  • Stage management
  • Theatre history
  • Theatre practice
  • Voice
  • Scriptwriting
  • Directing
  • Video & Film Production.

Standard entry requirements

  • Year 12 or equivalent.
  • Audition and interview.

Study pathways

Credit is awarded for equivalent previous studies and/or demonstrated equivalent prior learning. Graduates may seek admission to postgraduate courses at Australian and overseas universities. The Bachelor of Dramatic Art provides a pathway into teaching - completion of a graduate teaching qualification enables candidates to teach in Australian government and independent primary and secondary schools.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Macquarie Park International: $69,000 No
  • Full-time : 3 years
  • Part-time : 6 years

Fee comments

Campuses: Macquarie Park.

FEE-HELP, Youth Allowance, Austudy and Abstudy are available to eligible students. Entry scholarships recognise exceptional artistic talent as demonstration by audition.

Further information

Oz to LA Industry Placement available - 3 months intensive training in screen acting in Hollywood (admission by audition, tuition fees include essential travel costs).

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