Certificate III in Spoken and Written English - 10729NAT

Envirotech Education

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 03094J

This course provides a general education curriculum framework for English as an additional language (EAL) language and literacy education primarily targeted to newly arrived migrants and refugees who need to develop language skills to participate in a range of community contexts. The Certificate also includes elective numeracy modules for those EAL learners who may also need to develop numeracy skills and not just become familiar with the English of mathematics. It is suitable as an intermediate course for learners who have developed a survival level of English, literacy or numeracy skills and who have had some formal or informal exposure to English.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
Burleigh Heads Domestic: $2,850
International: $2,850
Byron Bay Domestic: $2,850
International: $2,850
  • Flexible Delivery : 0.5 years

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