Professional Certificate of Competency in Substation Design (Main Equipment)

Engineering Institute of Technology

Type of institution: Registered Training Organisation
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 03567C

This professional development course is designed for engineers and technicians who need practical skills and knowledge in substation design. Depending on the functions performed by a substation, the configuration and complexity can be quite varied. The skill of the designer is to anticipate the present and future needs that the substation will cater to, select appropriate design configuration, and calculate the ratings of main equipment such as busbars, transformers, and switchgear to ensure trouble-free service over several decades.Sufficient thought should be given to the need for maintaining critical substation equipment, and appropriate redundancies must be planned as well. This is essential as otherwise the consumers fed by the substation can suffer frequent supply outages, which is undesirable from both a service and a financial point of view.


12 Modules


  • Role of Substations in an Electrical Network, Types and Configurations of Substations
  • Examples/Case Studies of Substation Location and Selection of Configuration
  • System Studies Required for Finalising Equipment Ratings
  • Examples/Case Studies of System Studies Required and System Study Specifications
  • Overview of Switchyard Equipment and Their Ordering Specifications
  • Examples/Case Studies of Substation Equipment Ratings/Ordering Specifications
  • Substation Equipment for Fault Limiting, Pf Compensation
  • Substation Equipment for Harmonic Control
  • Overview of Medium Voltage (Mv) Metal Enclosed Substation Equipment
  • Examples/Case Studies of Mv Substation Equipment Design
  • Mv Substation Design and Specifications
  • Examples/Case Studies of Mv Substation Equipment Layout

Standard entry requirements

To obtain a certificate of completion for EITs Professional Certificate of Competency, students must achieve a 65% attendance rate at the live, online fortnightly webinars. Detailed summaries/notes can be submitted in lieu of attendance. In addition, students must obtain a mark of 60% in the set assignments which could take the form of written assignments and practical assignments. Students must also obtain a mark of 100% in quizzes. If a student does not achieve the required score, they will be given an opportunity to resubmit the assignment to obtain the required score.

Study information

CampusFeesEntryMid year intakeAttendance
  • Online/Off-campus : 3 months

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